Beating the Autumn Blues

Positive thinking and creative living – how to beat the Autumn Blues

Why do we feel blue in the autumn?

That melancholy feeling, a sadness you can’t quite put your finger on, and a lack of energy. There’s no mistaking the Autumn Blues.

Summer is easy living time. Sunshine, picnics, Bank Holidays, BBQs, no getting up for school, university or work. It’s hard to let that go. Now there’s nothing but grey skies and shorter days to look forward to until Christmas.

No wonder we get the blues!

SAD – the real name for the blues

It’s not only nature that changes with the seasons. Your body does, too. In autumn and winter, your hormones shift gears. You produce more sleep hormone – melatonin – during the winter, in response to the lower light levels. To compensate, your body converts your happiness hormone – serotonin – into melatonin, the sleep hormone.

That small hormonal shift can mean an increase in tiredness, and also mood swings. The scientific name is Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, and it affects up to 2 million people a year.

So how do we beat the Autumn Blues?

By organising yourself and making practical plans so you feel prepared for those busy autumn terms.

By putting yourself back into a positive mindset.

And best of all, by boosting your creativity.

Making a plan for autumn

One of the reasons that many of us feel blue around this time of year is connected to that ‘back-to-school’ feeling. September marks the start of the longest term of the year, and whether you’re about to start back yourself, or you’re busy panic-buying school shoes for your children along with all the other parents, the next few months can be a real slog.

Which is why creating your own personal autumn planner can work wonders for your positivity. Pick seasonal colours such as fiery oranges, reds and browns – and yes, we have Zebra Glitter Doodler’z in gold! – and create an autumn aesthetic. By planning ahead and putting in social events such as drinks with friends, or even a couple of mini-break weekends – you’ll always have something to look forward to.

Autumn – every colour but blue!

Autumn has a beauty all of its own. The colours alone are inspirational: copper leaves, trees turning from green to yellow, glossy red berries, spiders’ webs sparkling with heavy dew.

It’s a season that sparks original ideas and inspires us to create. Take one of our brand-new, 60-pen Doodler’z packs, tuck a notebook under your arm, and step outside. Sketch as you go, or just jot down little observations as you walk, to include in your gratitude journal.

Creating art with an autumnal aesthetic is a brilliant way to celebrate the season. And, as the nights grow longer and the daylight hours grow shorter, why not use that extra ten minutes when the light starts to fade for something creative? Explore a new style of calligraphy, experiment with new colours and designs. Lots of us actually use the winter months to try our hand at new crafts. And before you know, it’ll be Christmas!

You could even start dreaming up designs for Christmas cards, or your own original wrapping paper.

What if those Autumn Blues just won’t go away?

If you’ve been feeling low and listless for more than a couple of weeks, however, you may be depressed, which is more than just the blues. And if that’s the case, seek professional help. Make an appointment with your GP, talk to the school counsellor or pastoral support team, or share your worries with your close friends.

Be guided by how you feel. If you think you need more help to feel positive again – reach out.

Think positive. Speak positive. Stay positive.

The physical effects of the Autumn Blues are down to our hormonal response to the seasons. But the power to turn the negatives to positives lies with us. If you look out and it’s raining – it’s got to stop sometime! So choose to do something productive, creative, or kind, until it does.

Changing the way we approach life might not change the weather, but it changes our own world.