The Ambassador’s edit – our top four Zebra pens for summer 2024

The Ambassador’s edit – our top four Zebra pens for summer 2024

Putting your favourite pen to paper – it’s one of life’s ultimate feel-good moments. When the right pen meets the right paper, writing feels effortless. A favourite pen can be a creative ‘lightning conductor’ – channelling insights and emotions almost as fast as you can think them.

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Inspired by the seasons: summer

Inspired by the seasons: summer

Remember the sound of the ice cream van two streets away – and every kid racing to get there first? Or the feel of hot sand between your toes, the first refreshing lick of an ice lolly, or running through the garden sprinkler?

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Summer Bucket List

Summer Bucket List

Call it a ‘list of lifetime goals’; ‘experiences to have’ or an ‘adventure list’, a bucket list is something many of us have considered at some point in our lives: some of us have even created one!

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How to avoid procrastination

How to avoid procrastination

If we told you that this blog was planned to be written 12 months ago but for various reasons we decided to postpone it to this April, we hope you would be as bemused by the situation as we are – a blog on procrastination being published later than planned – it’s ironic, right!

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Why creativity is good for wellbeing

Why creativity is good for wellbeing

When it comes to health and wellbeing, there is lots we can do to help us live a better-quality life. Healthy eating; exercise; routine; developing good sleep patterns – our daily choices have a direct impact on how well we feel.

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The art of loving yourself

The art of loving yourself

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Practising gratitude – the benefits of gratitude journalling

Practising gratitude – the benefits of gratitude journalling

We’re at the end of January; the fun and festivities of Christmas and New Year are well and truly over. All that remains of the celebrations are the dregs of a forgotten bottle of flat lemonade; the reject Coconut Eclairs in an otherwise empty tub of Quality Street; and a barely touched Christmas cake that mum insists on having every year; “because Uncle David likes it with a glass of sherry on Christmas Day.”

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New Year’s resolutions done differently

New Year’s resolutions done differently

Hands-up who’s made New Year’s Resolutions? Keep them up if you’ve already broken them! It’s something many of us do, year in, year out – promise to exercise more; lose weight; cut down on drinking; save more money; pursue a career ambition – you know the story!

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The art of the handwritten “Thank you”

The art of the handwritten “Thank you”

We say: “Thank you” more than any other nationality. Our lives are crammed with thank yous: “Thanks for holding the door open”; “thanks for giving me a lift”; “thanks for taking out the recycling”.

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