Never enough hours in the day? How to manage your time more efficiently
Do you ever start the day feeling like you’re running to catch up – and end the day feeling like you’re running on empty? Or find yourself saying, “How can it be 3 o’clock already?!”
Plan, prepare, practise – secrets of acing an interview
Just been invited to interview for a new job, a promotion or a university place? First up – congratulations! Did you know that in the UK, only an average of around 2% of candidates who apply for a job are selected to attend a job interview.
How to start the ultimate Bullet Journal
Bullet journals keep you sane. We start them for a million reasons – from goal-trackers, reading journals and to-do list bibles: to mood-trackers, gratitude journals, or memory keepers. They’re as much a creative outlet as a way of ordering your goals, your emotions or your life experiences.
The Ambassador’s edit – our top four Zebra pens for summer 2024
Putting your favourite pen to paper – it’s one of life’s ultimate feel-good moments. When the right pen meets the right paper, writing feels effortless. A favourite pen can be a creative ‘lightning conductor’ – channelling insights and emotions almost as fast as you can think them.
Inspired by the seasons: summer
Remember the sound of the ice cream van two streets away – and every kid racing to get there first? Or the feel of hot sand between your toes, the first refreshing lick of an ice lolly, or running through the garden sprinkler?
Summer Bucket List
Call it a ‘list of lifetime goals’; ‘experiences to have’ or an ‘adventure list’, a bucket list is something many of us have considered at some point in our lives: some of us have even created one!
Celebrating two years of Zebra Pen UK Brand Ambassadors
Can you believe that our Zebra Pen Brand Ambassador programme has been running for two years now? And during this time, we’ve worked with 15 fabulous individuals from within the creative community.
How to avoid procrastination
If we told you that this blog was planned to be written 12 months ago but for various reasons we decided to postpone it to this April, we hope you would be as bemused by the situation as we are – a blog on procrastination being published later than planned – it’s ironic, right!
Inspired by the seasons: spring
Spring: the season of new beginnings. The time when the natural world revives and reinvigorates after the colder winter months.
Why creativity is good for wellbeing
When it comes to health and wellbeing, there is lots we can do to help us live a better-quality life. Healthy eating; exercise; routine; developing good sleep patterns – our daily choices have a direct impact on how well we feel.
The sound of silence: how to use noise for increased work productivity
We all know having an organised workspace makes you feel calmer, more confident and in control. But whether you work from home or share your study space with others, creating an area which encourages productivity, can be difficult.
The art of loving yourself
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson