How to draw a bird
Have you ever marvelled at other people’s nature drawings and asked, “How do they do it?” Or have you watched the comings and goings of wildlife in your garden or local park and thought, “I’d love to know how to draw a bird?”
Make every day a random acts of kindness day
A random act of kindness can make your day. Sometimes, the little things have the greatest impact.
Love your lists
Love your lists? The average person has 33 things on their to-do list each day (publishing this blog is top of ours today!) And to-do lists are just the tip of the iceberg – most of us also have shopping lists, party invite lists, reading lists, bucket lists, birthday wish lists, lists of school uniform to buy, and long-term personal goal lists on the go too.
Starting a new creative hobby
Taking up a new creative pastime is the ultimate January detox and recharge rolled up into one. Discover our top 7 creative hobbies for 2025 – and a Zebra Pen recommendation to start you out on a new creative journey.
Revisit, review, reflect – why memory journal?
Why memory journal? What is it and why is it good for me?
Inspired by the seasons: winter
Inspired by winter? Even if you love all things festive, Christmas tends to steamroller all in its path in December.
‘Tis the season for festive crafts – homemade Christmas cards
It’s never too early for making homemade Christmas cards. Designing your own is part of the Christmas magic! Often our earliest Christmas memories are the cards and decorations we made – not what we unwrapped on Christmas morning.
How to cope with Christmas anxiety
Christmas anxiety is a very real emotion for many of us. It can leave us feeling overwhelmed, out of control and unable to enjoy what should be “the most wonderful time of the year.” But what can we do about it?
Two new Zebra Pen Brand Ambassadors – welcome to the family!
If – like us – you can’t cram enough creativity into your life, we’re delighted to announce that we have three new creative dynamos joining our Zebra Pen brand ambassador team this month – bringing us to a total of 10!
Is work following you home? How to deal with work stress
We all have a ‘work-mode’. But how do you switch it off when you’ve had the day from hell, your line manager is on your case, and you’ve still got 25 unopened emails sitting in your inbox?
Inspired by the seasons: autumn
There’s a magic about autumn mornings. You’ve only got to watch children on a crisp, blue-sky day, kicking orange and yellow leaves high into the air, or stuffing handfuls of conkers into their pockets on the way to school, to believe in that magic.
Never enough hours in the day? How to manage your time more efficiently
Do you ever start the day feeling like you’re running to catch up – and end the day feeling like you’re running on empty? Or find yourself saying, “How can it be 3 o’clock already?!”